Teen Trends
An article in the Atlantic wonders if reality and entertainment have combined to an unhealthy extent. There is speculation that since social media has become a regular thing in the typical household along with television, people now expect some form of entertainment at all times. This unhealthy expectation can take away from the beauty of what "real life" offers.
Song of the Week
"People Like Us" by Micah Tyler is a new song that talks about how God can help us overcome hard times. His song mentions how God gives us a fulfilling life full of His love. "We are children to a Father, gave His own life to give us life". There is so much to take away from those lyrics. As you listen to this song, be reminded that a truly fulfilling life doesn't come from constant entertainment, but through time spent with our Father. You can find the song here
Check out our running playlist of this season's songs on Spotify here.
Sermon Illustration
We have a hard time waiting for things. This is why instant entertainment has become a must in our society. The Lord doesn't work like this though. In fact, most times, it feels like the Lord is testing our patience or "running late" as if He were obligated to do things for us. God isn't our vending machine where we "insert" our prayer and get an answer in return. Admittedly, it's very difficult to wait, but God's plan is always worth the wait.
2 Peter 3:9 - The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead, he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
Encouraging Thought
Patience is a difficult thing to practice, but it is a must for our spiritual well-being. Instead of constantly filling our brains with noise, we need time to allow for our brains to rest, though this may be annoying in the busy world we live in. An even better thing to do when resting is to fill that time with God in any way. Worship music, reading Scripture, prayer, and being in nature are all great ways to rest in God. You'll find that these things fill your soul unlike television, social media, or any other distraction. Make sure to take some time this week to rest in God and recharge your spirit.
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The vision of the Student Leader Weekly is to empower high schoolers (alongside adult leadership) with practical ministry ideas.