Teen Trends
Cheating in school has existed for a long time, but it's becoming easier and more common than ever before. Having to do school online during the Covid-19 lockdowns only exaggerated this trend. Students are learning how to "play school" and get the best grades without having to actually learn the material, and most of the time, they can get away with it. On top of this, apps and software like ChatGPT and Socratic can literally do all of the work for people. Generally speaking, this generation of students is more tech savvy than their teachers and is constantly finding new workarounds or loopholes whenever teachers do catch onto something. This is a rather alarming trend, not just because students aren't learning the material, but because it shows the moral backsliding that our society has fallen into. You can read more about it here in an article by The Free Press.
Song of the Week
Kierra Sheard released her 7th album titled All Yours, and it features her lead singles Miracles and The Jungle. The powerhouse gospel singer has quite a following within the gospel world but has been receiving more recognition in mainstream circles recently. This trend follows along with gospel singers as a whole. Sheard explains how her album comes from a place of radical devotion to God. This devotion elicits a reaction from us that points other people toward Christ. This album is her response to her fire for Christ and hopes that it will light other people's hearts on fire.
Check out our running playlist of this season's songs on Spotify here.
Sermon Illustration
I recently read Psalm 1 in a devotional, and I think it fits well with the idea of seasons in our spiritual lives - the highs and lows. While we should always strive to display the fruit of the spirit, it's easier and more natural in the mountaintop seasons. The true test is continuing to display this fruit in the difficult seasons. Without the proper nutrients, our fruit and leaves will wither or rot and fall off. The way we sustain our spiritual health in challenging seasons is by staying rooted to the source, the stream of water - our personal relationship with Christ. Then and only then will we be able to produce fruit in every season, not just when it's easy and convenient.
Psalm 1:3 - That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither - whatever they do prospers.
Encouraging Thought
Just because you feel as if you're not showing any fruit doesn't mean that there isn't growth happening. Plants have to establish deep roots before they grow upwards or else they will simply be toppled over by storms and winds. If you feel that there isn't much growth happening, remain patient as God continues to develop a strong root system in your heart so that your faith will stand the test of time.
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The vision of the Student Leader Weekly is to empower high schoolers (alongside adult leadership) with practical ministry ideas.